Allergy & Immunology
Currently, allergic-immune diseases are increasing rapidly and receiving more and more attention from people. The immune system is a system that protects the body against disease. Allergies are an immune system reaction. Depending on the level of response of the immune system to the agent, the patient can have symptoms ranging from mild (itching, sneezing) to very severe, life-threatening such as "anaphylactic shock". Common allergic diseases such as urticaria, eczema, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma... Autoimmune diseases are caused by disorders of the immune system. When operating normally, the immune system detects pathogens (bacteria, viruses or parasites) and must distinguish them from healthy body tissues. In autoimmune disease, the immune system loses that ability and attacks healthy tissue again. Autoimmune diseases progress over time, leading to many dangerous complications.
The first-line treatment of allergic-immune diseases today is modern medical treatment methods (HHD). However, recent studies have shown that combining traditional medicine (TCT) such as herbs and acupuncture has been shown to improve symptoms as well as help improve people’s quality of life. allergic-immune diseases.
With leading experts in Traditional Medicine with many years of experience in the field of examination and treatment combining Eastern and Western medicine in the field of allergy – immunity in Vietnam Nam has successfully treated many patients. Along with learning experiences from many other countries around the world, typically Taiwan, South Korea… Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital – Deployment Facility 3
– Treatment improves symptoms related to allergies.
– Treatment of systemic manifestations in patients with immune-related diseases such as: Systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syndrome, Psoriasis,…</ p>
– Minimize side effects of modern drugs during long-term treatment for patients with chronic allergic-immune patients such as: Corticosteroids, Methotrexate,…</ p>
– Improve the patient’s overall condition, maintain long-term treatment effectiveness, and prevent disease recurrence.
Patients need to be examined and treated at a reputable medical facility with a team of qualified doctors to receive an accurate diagnosis and achieve the highest treatment effectiveness. .