Traditional Medicine Ent & Eye
The Five Senses specialty examines and treats diseases of the Ear - Nose - Throat - Mouth - Eyes that do not require surgical intervention, can be treated with drugs and combined methods of Traditional Medicine - Modern Medicine. grand.
The Five Senses Traditional Medicine clinic system, with the function of examining and treating diseases:
- Ears: Tinnitus, hearing loss, sudden deafness, meniere’s disease,…
- Sinusitis: Flu, headache, facial pain due to rhinosinusitis, acute and chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, acute and chronic rhinitis, decreased sense of smell,…
- Throat: Acute and chronic pharyngitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis, acute and chronic laryngitis, treatment of voice loss, hoarseness, support for voice recovery in patients vocal cord paralysis,…
- Mouth: Recurrent mouth ulcers, gingivitis, temporomandibular joint disorders, tongue pain,…
- Eye: Conjunctivitis, supporting the treatment of eye symptoms in patients with cataracts/post-operative glaucoma/optic nerve atrophy, double vision, styes , dry eye syndrome, ptosis, eyelid muscle spasm syndrome…
Along with leading experts including Professors, Associate Professors, Doctors, Masters, Specialists I – II, at the same time applying modern machinery technology and tests in diagnosing The Five Senses specialist at Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital – Facility 3 has been serving tens of thousands of patients each year. Maximize the strengths of Traditional Medicine combined with Modern Medicine, with multimodal treatment from pharmacological to non-pharmacological methods, combining outpatient and inpatient treatment services with the same intervention goal. Minimal intervention, maximum treatment, long-term effectiveness for patients.
Doctors in the same specialty
Examination schedule
Monday morning, Wednesday morning